Can you back up and describe what problems your patches solve?
Here are the problems I care about:
+ If a user receives 1.000001 bitcoins, there is currently no way to transfer the entire amount somewhere else using either the GUI or the RPC.
+ If a user receives 1.000001 bitcoins, the GUI will tell them they have 1.00.
I don't care about systems without a FPU-- are there any such systems that bitcoin actually runs on?
I don't care about BTC vs TBC.
The GUI sucks, so I am fine pretending it doesn't exist.
Both solutions fix the other problem you do care about, except possibly that the .000001 fraction is not representable accurately by binary floats.
It's fine if you don't personally care about no-FPU or TBC, but please don't actively fight/interfere with progress.
(FWIW, many older ARM do /not/ have a FPU, and even with systems that do have a FPU, integer is usually faster)