As per my understanding
'Watchlist' has content based on your historical activity rather than other users. What you are looking for is listing into your feed what
the people you follow a.k.a your 'BitcoinBook' friends post.
This requires an algorithm that takes into consideration the activity of these you follow, I'm not aware of the technical limitations of this forum current implementation but shouldn't be
impossible, furthermore a newer version is under development so I wouldn't be surprised if a similar feature is implemented in the short term.
As for use cases what comes to my mind is:
- Being able to 'suscribe' to good contributors and subject matter experts in different topics.
- Creating a way to track users popularity which actually does translate to the effort one puts to improve posts quality to gather more 'followers'
And a long etcetera, I know you all are social media users so use cases are gazillions.Nonetheless this is a forum,
old fashioned forum, although there is a lot of brain juice moving around to make this a better place, good suggestion mate I would definitely use that feature.