If you use our bank partner SMBC to fund your Kraken account with USD, EUR or GBP, your funding instructions will be changing soon.
Domestic USD and domestic JPY deposits and withdrawals remain unaffected.We currently have a team devoted to cultivating new bank partnerships and expect to start seeing the fruits of this effort soon with new bank funding options coming online. For our clients residing outside Japan who have been using our bank partner in Japan, we expect to announce a replacement option for you soon, and will let you know if there will be any interruption in service.
Please be aware that deposits sent using the old instructions must arrive no later than 11:59 pm on March 20 Japan time (deposits arriving after this time will be returned). Withdrawals will need to be requested no later than 12:00 pm on March 27 or they will remain in your Kraken account.
If you have any other questions or concerns about this please drop by our
Bitcointalk thread.