And this seems as just another statement from scared banksters which are losing clients.
It's just a standard warning that has been echoed by regular and central banks for quite some time now. In this specific case, honestly speaking, I find the words spoken out to be well justified, and quite fair. It's not that they are advising people or other entities to stay away from crypto, but just to make them aware that you are responsible for your own actions. I have seen other banks say the same to a certain extent, but they literally recommended everyone to stay away from crypto on top of that. In most cases we jump on every similar article with pulled guns, which more often than not is well justified, but in this case you also have to admit that things aren't all that bad. It's not even a warning, but more a reminder....
At the first glance, this kind of warning in this specific region which is known to be welcoming regarding Block-chain startups seemed to be out of place.
After digging deeper, i come to conclusions that this warning could indeed be in place possibly because of the potential situation in country. Perhaps the new of Lithuanian Bank deciding to probe " bankeras" ICO ( which at the moment also for me seems shady.