It took me a while to figure out how to get my system setup, so I thought I would make a post to help any Mac OS X users out there.
Note: I am using Mac OS X 10.8.5 with MacMiner 1.4.10 and ASIC USB Erupters Basics1. Create a bitcoin wallet (There are numerous threads on this)
2. Download and install MacMiner and required USB Drivers
-MacMiner -USB Drivers Once your drivers are installed you can plug in your ASIC USB Erupters
4. Find a mining pool (Numerous threads on this)
MacMiner Setup1. Open MacMiner - it should by default open up a BFGMiner window. Close this and go to View > Show FPGA/ASIC Device Miner
2. Click on Pool Settings. Enter your wallet information and the mining pool login/password.
3. Once you enter your main mining pool, MacMiner puts in two default pools which you can manually change. I have changed both.
4. Click on Miner Settings. Click to Disable GPU.
5. In the Devices/manual flags section you will want to put in the location of your USB Erupters. An easy way to discover them is to type in "-S all" and hit start on the miner. It should show a few lines that display something like "/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART" if you have more than one USB erupter it will have a number at the end of this. So in my case my USB Erupters were located at /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART11 and /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART12
6. In the Devices/manual flags simply copy and paste where your USB Erupters are located by putting "-S /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART" for each erupter. Since I have three erupters, I put in "-S /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART -S /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART11 -S /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART12" (The first part gets cut off, but you type that snippet for each erupter)
7. Hit Start
8. If you are successful you should see MacMiner connecting to your pool 0 (primary pool) and start to accept block contents The green lights on your USB Erupters should now turn off and only blink once in a while to indicate they are working. Solid green means it is not working.
10. Double check your mining pool website to see if you are submitting shares
Optional Steps - Changing backup pools1. Click Miner Settings > Edit config file manually
2. It should be fairly obvious where to put in your second / third pool info. You past the url into the coding of URL and login/pass areas
Hope this helps as it took me a while to get my setup running.