I've been playing league for 9 years and have held 4-6 accounts in diamond every season. I'm deciding to begin to get rid of them.
All of these accounts
DO NOT own all of the champions.
I am mainly pricing them on their rank and amount of champions/skins owned.
Examples, and they are owned by myself:http://puu.sh/zyLku/3a9c43a8a5.jpgCurrently Plat 3
http://puu.sh/zyLna/50d8132395.jpgCurrently plat 2
http://puu.sh/zyLpr/ece475ae53.jpgUnranked - Will place plat 2 or higher in placements.
I might play the placements based on the offer given.
Edit: They are NA
Contact me: On here in forum (fairly new account)
wildstarrlol@gmail.comDiscord: Wild#5326