This is the Twitter Campaign for Crystal Reign and its ICO.
http://crystalreign.ioBTC talk thread: have at least 100 followers.
Must have a twitter profile image.
Only one retweet a week is counted. -
To clarfiy, as people are confused, this means one retweet PER tweetYou must like every tweet you retweet.
Must be following
You must be honest with follower count.
Total users allowed to participate is 200 (may change).
Pay:Pay is in the ERC-20 Token CRS, at ICO the price is 2000 CRS = 1 ETH.
You receive pay based on your follower tier, and how many posts you like+retweet (liking and retweeting is considered one action, both must be completed to receive pay). Pay will be sent out at the end of the week.
The tiers are:
100-300 followers = 20 tokens per like/rt
300-600 followers = 40 tokens per like/rt
600-1000 followers = 80 tokens per like/rt
1000 followers + = 130 tokens per like/rt
Spreadsheet: to layout your post for review:BitcoinTalk Username:
Twitter account URL:
Number of followers at time of posting:
ETH address (capable of receiving ERC-20 tokens):
Links to retweeted posts..
List of posts:This list will be regularly updated:
added 5/3 1 Ends on March 12th and 06:00am forum time.