I need an API to send payments instantly. At one point in time Mt. Gox had a way to send bitcoin payments instantly but I think it has been disabled. CampBX just introduced an API to send payments but I don't know if it is instant or not.
MyBitcoin has an SCI shopping cart interface but I don't know if they have the ability to send bitcoins instantly with an API.
For example, here is CampBX's instant payment call:
An API call to send Bitcoins to an address can be made in following format:
https://CampBX.com/api/sendbtc.php POST: user=USERNAME pass=PASSWORD BTCTo=ADDRESS BTCAmt=DECIMAL
What is the best way to send bitcoins instantly without having to wait for a block? I don't mind if two users have to have an account at Mt. Gox or mybitcoin.com to send bitcoin payments to each other.
I've been working on an API at bit-bank:
http://bit-bank.org/api_docs.phpTo accomplish what you want, you'd make a call in the following format:
http://bit-bank.org/api.php?key=foo&token=bar&query=sendacc&to=seeARMS&amt=1.34The key is your private, third-party API key, the token is a token associated with a user account (because I'd rather not send the password in the URL...), 'query' is the query to move bitcoins from one account to the other, 'to' is the opposite Bit-Bank account and amt is the amount.
Eventually I'd like to get a solid shopping cart interface created which ties into the API.