The 3rd party API running on Binance to automate trading, e.g. those annoying trading bots, got hacked. There were other reports out there about this.
Binance Hack is summarized as follows
- From the 22nd of February, 1818, binance information was forged on the website (the site has binance with 2 dots above and below). Many users have been cheated and logged in to this site
- Hacker after the account has been taken to create the API key, however they did nothing,
- 07/03/2018, the hacker has used the API key has appropriated to order a large number of buy VIA / BTC, while 31 other accounts put the bulk order. The purpose of this is to transfer the BTC from the hacked accounts above to these 31 accounts
- Hackers attacked organized, not forceful, prepared forces for March 7, they have selected VIA, coin with the number of transactions (vol) small, to maximize profits
- The transactions yesterday may not be binance refunded
=> People need to preserve their own account from fake websites.
Protect it with 2fa and enter the correct webmaster.