Transactions are defined using a Forth-like scripting language.Transactions consist of one or more inputs and one or more outputs. When a user sends bitcoins, the user designates each address and the amount of bitcoin being sent to that address in an output. To prevent
double spending, each input must refer to a previous unspent output in the blockchain. The use of multiple inputs corresponds to the use of multiple coins in a cash transaction. Since transactions can have multiple outputs, users can send bitcoins to multiple recipients in one transaction. As in a cash transaction, the sum of inputs (coins used to pay) can exceed the intended sum of payments. In such a case, an additional output is used, returning the change back to the payer.Any input satoshis not accounted for in the transaction outputs become the transaction fee.
Why are you copy pasting from, and also what you are saying is almost completely irrelevant to the question asked here. I'd recommend you to remove your rubbish before someone reports you for copy-pasting.
Transactions are defined using a Forth-like scripting language.Transactions consist of one or more inputs and one or more outputs. When a user sends bitcoins, the user designates each address and the amount of bitcoin being sent to that address in an output. To prevent
double spending, each input must refer to a previous unspent output in the blockchain. The use of multiple inputs corresponds to the use of multiple coins in a cash transaction. Since transactions can have multiple outputs, users can send bitcoins to multiple recipients in one transaction. As in a cash transaction, the sum of inputs (coins used to pay) can exceed the intended sum of payments. In such a case, an additional output is used, returning the change back to the payer.Any input satoshis not accounted for in the transaction outputs become the transaction fee.
And that's partially if not all copied from #Transactions..
What are you trying to accomplish here?