I don't know man, it looks like you have a promising sports website here. I like the design its very simple and easy to navigate. I guess you really need exposure, perhaps a good signature campaign will really exposed your website to a lot of gamblers here. However, it looks like you need funding or investment to bring your sports website to the next level. Why don't you try at least a 1 week signature campaigns though and see how it goes for you? Goldluck!!!
Hey thanks so much for the kind words and honesty. This one week signature campaign...do you know of any successful start ups that have completed a campaign like this? If you know of any please share!
I can point you to this thread:
Overview of Bitcointalk Signature-Ad Campaigns - (
As you can see all the signature campaigns are in there. You can have to check the changelog though and see which campaign has been moved out or just ended. I can't tell exactly which is just a one and done campaign.
P.S. bitFlyer USA Official Signature Campaign - (
Although its not a gambling related website, the campaign just ran for 1 week. Again, I can't gauge if they are successful or not. But at least as I have said, exposure is needed to get potential costumers.