Can someone who is technically knowlegeable about Ethereum make a comment about Plasma? I reckon some of the
ideas that come out of Vitalik might really be scams to keep its followers interested. He's been making promises about scaling and anonymity in the platform that might not even be acheived.
It is also funny that the Cryptokitties might be the only project made in Ethereum that is not a scam.
More about Plasma in their whitepaper. while the current iteration of the prototype requires all users to download and validate each smart contract in the Plasma system, in his new talk, Buterin described a way to limit this to a handful of data points.
"The main benefit here is that basically the amount of data that clients need to process goes down by a lot," Buterin explained.
Rather than having to download the entire Plasma history, users would be able to instead generate "Plasma coins" by sending a deposit to the contract. As such, instead of downloading and verifying everything, users could simply track the tokens they have created within that system.
"Now users only have to verify the availability and correctness of the Plasma chain only at the specific index that they want to spend, or the specific index of any coins that they own and coins that they care about," Buterin said.Read the article in full