
Activity: 75
Merit: 10
October 21, 2013, 08:49:48 AM |
arrrggg more coins, isnt 75 coins enough! seriously watering down more coins with something like ASC, everytime a coin is added with simply with a new name or slight change a real innovative coin looses market share. Im starting to think its become more of a coin laundry-matte than an exchange. Add a coin every 3 months not 3 weeks!
October 21, 2013, 10:32:55 AM |
Why not just add all the coin. People would use it some how 
October 21, 2013, 10:40:05 AM |
arrrggg more coins, isnt 75 coins enough! seriously watering down more coins with something like ASC, everytime a coin is added with simply with a new name or slight change a real innovative coin looses market share. Im starting to think its become more of a coin laundry-matte than an exchange. Add a coin every 3 months not 3 weeks!
Well, most new coin are a little different in some ways. Its good to have them in the market to compete right?
Activity: 1509
Merit: 1030
Solutions Architect
October 21, 2013, 12:31:25 PM |
Blakecoin is not SHA-256 or Scrypt and works on CPU/GPU/FPGA and is using a different algorithm Blake-256 yet it gets so few votes 
Info: Github - - BCT Blakecoin thread - Twitter - BCS - BlakeZone Trade Blakecoin: Merged Mining Pools: EU3 - NY2/AT1 - LA1Donation Addresses: BLC: Bd3jJftFbwxWSKNSNz35vkDd57kG6jHAjt PHO: BZXPMc8eF9YZcJStskkP2bVia38fv9VmuT BBTC: 2h8c4NbzXJXk6QQ89r7YYMGhe13gQUC2ajD ELT: e7cm6cAgpfhvk3Myh2Jkmi1nqaHtDHnxXb UMO: uQH9H17t7kz3eVQ3vKDzMsWCK4hn5nh2gC LIT: 8p8Z4h5fkZ8SCoyEtihKcjzZLA7gFjTdmL BTC: 1Q6kgcNqhKh8u67m6Gj73T2LMgGseETwR6
October 21, 2013, 01:28:03 PM |
Blakecoin is not SHA-256 or Scrypt and works on CPU/GPU/FPGA and is using a different algorithm Blake-256 yet it gets so few votes  because few people has mined some BLC
October 21, 2013, 02:12:08 PM |
Why not just add all the coin. People would use it some how  I don't know but I think that it might be quite hard to had a coin, so they will only add useful coins, or widely used ones.
October 21, 2013, 04:03:18 PM |
don't see cryptsy added any new coins recently...
Activity: 1713
Merit: 1029
October 21, 2013, 04:44:49 PM |
Blakecoin uses a slightly-modified version of the SHA3-semifinalist blake algorithm for both hasing and network security. It currently has a CPU miner, GPU miner, and an FPGA miner. The algorithm is quicker to run than SHA256, and has a good community behind it. It is a bit over two weeks old, and has developed quite quickly with a dedicated developer behind it.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
October 22, 2013, 05:35:30 PM |
+1 for adding I0coin
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1001
Use Coinbase Account almosanywhere with Shift card
October 22, 2013, 06:15:57 PM |
I can't change my vote and I voted before BLC came out. 
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1001
October 22, 2013, 06:17:01 PM |
don't see cryptsy added any new coins recently...
Cryptsy broken...I dont expect any coins to be added until the problems are fixed...

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
October 25, 2013, 05:03:01 AM |
October 25, 2013, 06:15:44 AM |
Ok I am going to give this a try...... I have listed coins that I have on the list in the poll you can vote for one. Keep in mind I will use feedback in the thread to decide if a coin really should make it regardless of votes. I will also delete any non productive messages in the thread to attempt to make this productive. I may not attempt to evaluate coins this way in the future. Feedback posts I am interested in current network hashrate and reliability of the wallet network etc. I am interested in the premine or any other shenanigans involved with the coin. If your post says simply shit coin Ill delete it if it says shit coin and this is why your good, but use facts that I can use to validate votes and credibility of the coin. Why isnt your coin in the list? Its 100% premined. It doesn't have a known github are two big reasons. Things not to put....- "I want my coin its not in this list!" I will delete these
- "I hate new coins!" I will delete these
- "Whats the weather going to be tomorrow?" I don't know
- "Why isn't shitcoin in the list?" Refer to bullet #1
Edited: Changed it to vote for one coin. Is my assumption right, that possibly more than just one coin could get on the market?
CRYPTSY exchange: BURST= BURST-TE3W-CFGH-7343-6VM6R BTC=1CNsqGUR9YJNrhydQZnUPbaDv6h4uaYCHv ETH=0x144bc9fe471d3c71d8e09d58060d78661b1d4f32 SHF=0x13a0a2cb0d55eca975cf2d97015f7d580ce52d85 EXP=0xd71921dca837e415a58ca0d6dd2223cc84e0ea2f SC=6bdf9d12a983fed6723abad91a39be4f95d227f9bdb0490de3b8e5d45357f63d564638b1bd71 CLAMS=xGVTdM9EJpNBCYAjHFVxuZGcqvoL22nP6f SOIL=0x8b5c989bc931c0769a50ecaf9ffe490c67cb5911
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
October 25, 2013, 09:26:15 AM |
don't see cryptsy added any new coins recently...
Cryptsy broken...I dont expect any coins to be added until the problems are fixed... that is funny because that has no bearing.. coins will be added regardless, already seen it happen.
FUD first & ask questions later™

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
October 25, 2013, 12:01:13 PM |
October 25, 2013, 12:08:45 PM |
CoinEx seem to keep getting the jump on you by adding new coins faster .... 

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
October 28, 2013, 04:09:03 AM |
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
October 28, 2013, 06:19:33 PM |
The ShitPile is getting high.
No list would be complete without ShitCoin on it.
Get I get some votes? lol.
But seriously, one of the most popular and biggest hash rates has been COL. Why is that not even on the list.
Can we add that please. It's been around a while and the issue they had with the client has been fixed.
iXcoin - Welcome to the F U T U R E!

Activity: 81
Merit: 10
October 28, 2013, 11:08:40 PM |
Maybe this is a bit off topic, but I'd actually like to see a fourth market on Cryptsy. Right now there's three: BTC, LTC and XPM, all of which are POW type crypto coins. I have no way to know what the future will actually hold, but my gut tells me that the POS energy saving idea has merit and therefore I would like to see a PPC market. My guess is that someday in the not-to-distant future PPC will overtake LTC as the primary alternative to BTC (again these are just thoughts from someone lacking any expertise). I wouldn't even be totally shock if in the more distant future PPC becomes a serious competitor to BTC. But I may be totally wrong on all these thoughts.
Anyway, as a now shareholder in Cryptsy, I would be interested in trading on a PPC market.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
October 29, 2013, 12:05:11 AM |
Any chance for I0Coin? Its current hashrate is about 138TH/s since it's merged mined with bitcoin. I bet it's the highest for coins not listed in cryptsy!  I agree, I0coin has a very powerfull network and allmost 1000000 blocks created. Why list a new coin that hasn't proven himself while I0coin still exists because people are dedicated to it. I prefer to trade a coin with a network of 138TH/s instead of 58MH/s My vote is for I0coin too. I know it's not on this list but maybe the next. I0coin (I0C) Benefits Zero premine 80 second block times Total mined coins will be 21,000,000 coins High network hash rate (merge mined) Already implemented a fix for memory size problems inherent with large block chains (10/16/2013 17:43:03) { "blocks" : 922922, "currentblocksize" : 0, "currentblocktx" : 0, "difficulty" : 2324832.90634019, "errors" : "", "generate" : false, "genproclimit" : -1, "hashespersec" : 0, "pooledtx" : 0, "testnet" : false } Jambi like i0coin. Underated and deserves to be on more exchanges.