Correct. I managed to find the original text in Russian:йчac для кpиптoвaлют нeт xopoшo пpopaбoтaннoй пpaвoвoй бaзы, и этo coздaeт pяд тpyднocтeй в oбecпeчeнии зaщиты yчacтникoв cдeлoк и paзpeшeнии cпopныx cитyaций. Зaкoнoдaтeльcтвa cтpaн пo-paзнoмy oтнocятcя к тaкoгo poдa aктивaм, чтo в кoнeчнoм cчeтe нeгaтивнo cкaзывaeтcя нa cтaбильнocти pынкa в цeлoм и oбycлoвливaeт pяд pиcкoв. B тoм чиcлe, coздaeт блaгoпpиятныe ycлoвия для мoшeнничecтвa.
Interestingly, I couldn't find that link when I search the re-translated version of that paragraph (English -> Russian). This is another tricky situation to check for plagiarism, just like the one that LoyceV published earlier today (homograph).
Meanwhile, a normal Google search on the other posts easily proves it though.
A new market study concluded that Bitcoin's cost could reach about $ 29,000 by the end of the year, and Ethereum's capitalization could grow even more. The report of South China Morning Post contains a conclusion on the research of the crypto-currency market. During the study, 12 leading digital currencies were studied.
Analysis of the data showed that the market capitalization of Ethereum could grow by 212 percent, while Bitcoin's capitalization could rise by 194 percent. In third place was Bitcoin Cash with a growth of 123 percent. So by the end of the year the price of Bitcoin can reach $ 29,533, the price of Bitcoin Cash is expected to be $ 2,721, and the price of Ethereum is $ 2,550.
The cost of Ethereum analysts is associated with the growing demand for ICO, where the main currency for investments in projects is the Ether coin. Co-founder, located in Hong Kong, CryptAM service Kevin Loo believes that the blockade Ethereum has a great future. However, like Bitcoin, who has problems with scaling, the airwaves may face a similar problem in the medium term.
Many expect that the problems with the scalability of the Ethereum network will be resolved after the implementation of the Casper update, which is expected this year.