Hi there!
I am really new to all the bitcoin mining things but I've been wanting to build my own gaming PC for a long time and now I've seen these 2 mid-level pc configurations on the bitcoin Wiki (
Mid-level AMD-based miner/gaming/workstation rig: single ATI 6870, Approximately 300 Mhash/s
Mid-level Intel-based miner/gaming/workstation rig: single ATI 6870, Approximately 300 Mhash/s
I'd really like to build one of these 2 systems, but I can't choose which one, since it will be my first ever PC build (will I even be able to do it then?)
So which one would be better? I even think I'll use it for gaming more and for mining secondarily. I need to have a new gaming PC since my current gaming laptop won't be able to run MW3 and I'd like to play that game when it's released in November
So any suggestions? Which one of these two? Or any other configuration/combination suggestions? Or should I just not try because it will be too hard for me?
Depends on several factors, one being money,
I love Intel Processors for actual productivity usage (not mining), I feel they are faster than AMD Processors but AMD Processors are cheaper than Intel Processors, so if money is a concern go with AMD, otherwise I would go with the 2nd Generation I7's
Ram, HD, Sound Card, etc are all based on the mother board you select which will only be compatible with either AMD or Intel.
The video card is the most important thing for mining and 300 Mhash/s based on bitcoinx.com. Your only going to make "Coins per 24h at these conditions: 0.178 BTC" which means if you ran your machine 24/7 for 6 days you would get 1 coin. 1 coin at current market value is around 13.50, the cost of electricity alone won't be worth it if your paying electricity and you have to be okay with mining all day and night and not using your machine.
Concerning building the machine, that's up to you, it really isn't that hard... you can pick up a Comptia A+ book and learn how to do it in an hour.
If you want to be serious about mining go AMD and buy a higher up model of video card either 5xxx or 6xxx
So to be very direct, I wouldn't mine with 300Mhases if you pay for electricity just buy the coin.. and enjoy your gaming machine