of rare mounts (TCG + Super rare drops)
Rare Tabards and Legendary weapons (Glaives,thunderfury, hand of rag)
Rare pets
Rare achievements
Rare statistics showing "Total Gold acquired is nearly 10 million" (not total on the account, spent on TCG etc) under 100k comes with account
Rare titles
Rare xmog
Geared Alts
check the armory list of pets and mounts for details!
Also I have tons of other characters, this is the primary character, Destruct. Please send inquiries to me, if interested I will show sincere buyers the rest of the account in game etc. Please ask any questions you may have! Also on the account is linked another account with a vanilla rogue and some other characters that I quit playing after I rolled Horde, all mounts and so on transfer (Have thousands of dollars in valued rare mounts, from TCG (Spectral Tiger) to drops as Ashes, Mimiron's head etc.
Has anyone heard of a website that purchases WoW accounts for bitcoins? I'm thinking about starting a business that purchases WoW accounts for bitcoins and or a reputable middleman service for a small fee like other websites! All feedback is appreciated!