i'd like to point out that Amerika has no intentions of paying off the national debt. They'll just keep on raising the debt ceiling until the end of time. See you in the quadrillions!
Ya, no nation is going to pay off their national debt and every nation has one (which should be enough to make people ponder things a little bit but does not seem to be...) Anyone who proposes paying down the national debt, or even arresting it's growth, is either lying to your face or is clueless about how modern monetary systems work.
As for the debt ceiling in the US, it's actually a pretty clever scam. Both political parties have basically the same desires because they are owned by basically the same entities. But they each have separate shticks that they use to herd their respective flocks of sheep. The debt ceiling negotiations (among other constructs) are the way they 'agree' to pay off their sponsors without making their flocks to suspicious. It's pretty funny to watch.