luchins (OP)
Activity: 204
Merit: 0
March 18, 2018, 02:01:42 PM |
because of dumbs's money, which went in in December, and then went out in January.
You normie people have ruined some early adopters.
For normie people I consider:
-- people who have a girlfriend
--- social life
--- normie who traded forex and knew about crypto in 2016-17
(I knew about coins since 2013)
You avearege IQ people, you went out in January hope you are dumb enough to came back in later at the next bull run, if any.. when the blockchain teck will evolve and it will scale so to be used in the everyday life use of cases
March 18, 2018, 02:10:53 PM |
because of dumbs's money, which has entered in December, and then went out in January.
You normie people have ruined some early adopters.
For normie people I consider:
-- people who have a girlfriend
--- social life
.--- people normie who traded forex and knew about crypto in 2016-17
(I knew about coins since 2013)
You avearege IQ people went out in January, hope you are dumb enough to came back in later at the next bull run, if any.. when the blockchain teck will evolve and it will scale so to be used in the everyday life use of cases
What an inspiration post. While I think I basically agree with what you are saying (novice crypto investors are basically responsible for the current market state), it's almost impossible to read your post. You seem to think you are somehow intellectually superior to "normal" people but you appear unable to properly use a keyboard. Also, it's entirely possible to follow crypto and have a girlfriend or social life. You really think you have to forego the rest of life to be successful in crypto? lol.

Activity: 938
Merit: 13
March 18, 2018, 02:11:37 PM |
I can feel and understand your disappointment but please do not panic, what goes down also goes up, have some patience and market can take reversal anytime soon, i think the end of bear trend is near now.
luchins (OP)
Activity: 204
Merit: 0
March 18, 2018, 02:22:14 PM |
I can feel and understand your disappointment but please do not panic, what goes down also goes up, have some patience and market can take reversal anytime soon, i think the end of bear trend is near now.
Wrong What comes down does not necessarlily go up... who told you this? At this point the only thing that can save us is a truly scalable Blockchain that can compete with VISA, so that banks invest their funds in the project
Jr. Member
Activity: 308
Merit: 1
March 18, 2018, 02:43:31 PM |
Those who sell now will come back later this year only to buy back at ATH's and dump it again at a loss in 2019. Normies gonna norm, lol. 
Jr. Member
Activity: 138
Merit: 1
March 18, 2018, 02:51:18 PM |
Is this the crypto version of "I was listening to that band before they blew up and sold out"? 
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
March 18, 2018, 03:13:19 PM |
It's ok we can't blame them because it's their money the sad part is they didn't really what blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are they only knew for them both that they can make a lot of money even if not they didn't knew the importance of it in out future.
March 18, 2018, 03:18:02 PM |
because of dumbs's money, which went in in December, and then went out in January.
You normie people have ruined some early adopters.
For normie people I consider:
-- people who have a girlfriend
--- social life
--- normie who traded forex and knew about crypto in 2016-17
(I knew about coins since 2013)
You avearege IQ people, you went out in January hope you are dumb enough to came back in later at the next bull run, if any.. when the blockchain teck will evolve and it will scale so to be used in the everyday life use of cases
Full Member
Activity: 1708
Merit: 125
March 18, 2018, 03:20:54 PM |
"You avearege IQ people, you went out in January"
The irony in this sentence is real.
March 18, 2018, 03:24:12 PM |
did i read fu...ed or fud

Activity: 134
Merit: 10
March 18, 2018, 04:23:48 PM |
I love panic sellers.
Same people that sells me their coins at a 20-30-40% discount because some south Korean official farts funny, will happy buy back those very same coins from me after they 7x.
Thanks, normies!
March 18, 2018, 04:26:51 PM |
I can feel and understand your disappointment but please do not panic, what goes down also goes up, have some patience and market can take reversal anytime soon, i think the end of bear trend is near now.
Wrong What comes down does not necessarlily go up... who told you this? At this point the only thing that can save us is a truly scalable Blockchain that can compete with VISA, so that banks invest their funds in the project That's not the point. The crypto is so easy to be manipulated by the news and rumour. I think that the blockchain can compete with VISA will not help a lot. The main point is we must try to surpass the problem of crypto with regulation. If that will be exceeded and we will see another bullish. But this time the trend will depend on how the result of G20 tomorrow.
luchins (OP)
Activity: 204
Merit: 0
March 18, 2018, 04:33:54 PM |
Those who sell now will come back later this year only to buy back at ATH's and dump it again at a loss in 2019. Normies gonna norm, lol.  Aahahah it would be a pretty ironic thing if that happened... but this time it's not like the last time, we need a greater hype to attract normi again
Activity: 224
Merit: 0
March 18, 2018, 04:36:52 PM |
If you were early adopter you would still be in profit overall it will just take time to get back that is all there is to it.
Jr. Member
Activity: 308
Merit: 1
March 18, 2018, 04:44:07 PM |
Those who sell now will come back later this year only to buy back at ATH's and dump it again at a loss in 2019. Normies gonna norm, lol.  Aahahah it would be a pretty ironic thing if that happened... but this time it's not like the last time, we need a greater hype to attract normi again You are giving them too much credit. That's like saying people won't go back to the casino's because they lost their money.
March 18, 2018, 04:46:18 PM |
because of dumbs's money, which has entered in December, and then went out in January.
You normie people have ruined some early adopters.
For normie people I consider:
-- people who have a girlfriend
--- social life
.--- people normie who traded forex and knew about crypto in 2016-17
(I knew about coins since 2013)
You avearege IQ people went out in January, hope you are dumb enough to came back in later at the next bull run, if any.. when the blockchain teck will evolve and it will scale so to be used in the everyday life use of cases
You seem to think you are somehow intellectually superior to "normal" people but you appear unable to properly use a keyboard. This guy deserves a medal. And i totally agree to everyone being "fu***ed", if OP is an example of the next generations. Not only does he appear to be having trouble expressing himself. He also seems to think that people who shorted in January are dumb. Or am i misunderstanding something here?? And getting in, in 2013 would still net you several thoundsands percent of ROI.
luchins (OP)
Activity: 204
Merit: 0
March 18, 2018, 04:59:48 PM |
because of dumbs's money, which has entered in December, and then went out in January.
You normie people have ruined some early adopters.
For normie people I consider:
-- people who have a girlfriend
--- social life
.--- people normie who traded forex and knew about crypto in 2016-17
(I knew about coins since 2013)
You avearege IQ people went out in January, hope you are dumb enough to came back in later at the next bull run, if any.. when the blockchain teck will evolve and it will scale so to be used in the everyday life use of cases
You seem to think you are somehow intellectually superior to "normal" people but you appear unable to properly use a keyboard. This guy deserves a medal. And i totally agree to everyone being "fu***ed", if OP is an example of the next generations. Not only does he appear to be having trouble expressing himself. He also seems to think that people who shorted in January are dumb. Or am i misunderstanding something here?? And getting in, in 2013 would still net you several thoundsands percent of ROI. Normies have killed the market that's it. With their low IQ entering in bitcoin at 20k and cashing then out Expecting that an asset can costantly grow is a low IQ ' s way of thinking, that only people with friends, girlfriend and a social life can have
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1417
March 18, 2018, 06:01:10 PM |
I can feel and understand your disappointment but please do not panic, what goes down also goes up, have some patience and market can take reversal anytime soon, i think the end of bear trend is near now.
Wrong What comes down does not necessarlily go up... who told you this? At this point the only thing that can save us is a truly scalable Blockchain that can compete with VISA, so that banks invest their funds in the project You are dillusional if you think banks are going to accept BTC or any other decentralised, open source, unregulated currency which they do not have control of. I think you may have had the wrong idea of BTC. It also sounds like you may have over extended your financial situation to get involved in crypto with your anger and frustration.
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Jr. Member
Activity: 313
Merit: 1
March 18, 2018, 06:06:28 PM |
^^ LOL if anybody bought at 20k he probably also sold at 6K.
Full Member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
Borderless for the People, Frictionless for the Ba
March 18, 2018, 06:08:41 PM |
Who am I? Where do you come from? Where to go? In a conversation with satoshi nakamoto, I found that the same is true for the coin. Which currency can I buy? What is a buy? When do they sell? This is the three ultimate questions, who can answer, who is the king of the coin.