On testnet I have observed output scripts that do not follow (what I consider) the basic chunking rules.
First occurrence in the testnet block chain (October 14 2013):
0000000001fd48a0089ed98737a9212c62e7708d8ddde3aea7a9f57a138f769d Transaction outpoint:
Script bytes: 0130323066643366303435313438356531306633383837363437356630643265396130393739343
According to chunk decoding rules it should have 5 chunks with lengths 1, 50, 1, 57, 49. At the last chunk it goes beyond the script length.
Chunk 1 (length 1): 0x30
Chunk 2 (length 50): 3066643366303435313438356531306633383837363437356630643265396130393739343332353
Chunk 3 (length 1): 0x62 (OP_VER)
Chunk 4 (length 57): 6362323065343064386333303032643137346333653930636632343339323138376131303762363
Chunk 5 (length 49): 373731636565613062323563633534353732653302ae (only 22 of 49 bytes available)
According to my code it has never happened before on testnet, and never on prodnet.
On testnet it happens 3 times in block
0000000001fd48a0089ed98737a9212c62e7708d8ddde3aea7a9f57a138f769d and once in block
0000000000b6f43e05f86dfe2007107fc88ace03457294d7f74d960b239dc8bfI was under the impression that non-standard output scripts were accepted on testnet, but that they should follow basic chunking rules.
Since bitcoind accepts those output scripts on testnet I have adapted my code to be more lax when doing script validation.
Can anyone confirm whether this can also happen on prodnet?