FIrst 3800 UNIFY World tokens has been released on Waves decentralized exchange at 0.00001 BTC per token.
Be first to buy UNIFY World Tokens at such low price!!!
Support UNIFY World Revolution
but why we buy? anyone can make tokens on waves platform for 1 waves. but whats so special in your token?
I fully agree with you, there are some many useless tokens and ICO projects around.
Have you read our vision and our plans on UNIFY World Revolution website?
We are aming to deliver this world with great public service of eliminating corupt governments and unifying the world under one decentralized voting system.
Unfortunatly as we are non profit movement, we dont have funds to get more expensive Etherium based Token (as a show off), also we cant afford to launch marketing campaign.
Anyway we believe that by hardwork and direct comunication with our supporters we can change the world.
So the main reason to buy this token not necessarily to get a profit, but to vote for United World!
Buying this token you re investing in your future, and by sharing the word about this token you are making this ICO your own.