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Author Topic: [ANN][NO-PREMINE][QuarryMN][EtherGEM] An ethereum network with a different view  (Read 38809 times)
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December 21, 2020, 10:14:40 PM

 You can mine EtherGem at autoexchange mining pool at 0.5% fee. Please use following commands for different mining options
 Option 1 Auto coin switch mining by profitability within algorithm with autoexchange to specified coin wallet(BTC in example below)
EthDcrMiner64.exe -di 01 -allpools 1 -platform 2 -mport - -epool -ewal <YOURBTCWALLET> -epsw c=BTC

 Option 2 Direct coin mining with payout to coin wallet
EthDcrMiner64.exe -di 01 -allpools 1 -platform 2 -mport - -epool -ewal <YOUREGEMWALLET> -epsw c=EGEM,mc=EGEM

 Option 3 Direct coin mining with autoexchange to specified coin wallet(BTC in example below)
EthDcrMiner64.exe -di 01 -allpools 1 -platform 2 -mport - -epool -ewal <YOURBTCWALLET> -epsw c=BTC,mc=EGEM

 Please note mc stands for mining coin symbol, c stand for payout coin symbol
 Autoexchange to BTC, LTC, DASH, BCH, DOGE or any other currency we mine
 Happy mining,
  cheers pinpin

No it's impossible to mine EGEM on Zergpool, unfortunatelly command c=BTC,mc=EGEM not works. I try all commands you mantioned to get EGEM mining, but no results - poll give to mine any annother coins (Dubai, Ella, ets) instead EGEM. Try several miners Phoneix,Teamred no mining EGEM
There are egem blocks found by this pool
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December 26, 2020, 03:35:11 PM

Good Morning Prospective and active Citizens of EGEM!

I have been apart of the community for about 6 months. I can say I truly enjoy being apart of the community. The discord is very active and have regular giveaways. The Devs have excellent communication and are willing to answer any and all questions. If you have a 4GB card you are in luck and can mine EGEM. Come on over to the discord and introduce yourself of you haven't already!

Have a great day everyone!

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January 02, 2021, 12:33:51 PM

Good morning Egemers,

Really enjoyed my NYE and hope you did as well. EGEM makes it really easy to set up a masternode which is another reason why I enjoy using it. You literally just set up the Egem discord bot and then one button click and boom you have a masternode.
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January 09, 2021, 05:54:45 AM

Good morning!

Overall it has been very exciting to watch the progress that has been put into this project. I have slowly been accumulating egem and have added another node. The community has continued to helpful throughout this journey. Really enjoy stopping into the discord daily.
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January 14, 2021, 07:13:08 PM

Good morning!

Overall it has been very exciting to watch the progress that has been put into this project. I have slowly been accumulating egem and have added another node. The community has continued to helpful throughout this journey. Really enjoy stopping into the discord daily.

Agreed Mspeeze! In case you guys didn't know, although it has taken a while, however development has finally reached a point where they will be releasing their testnet for Sapphire! And the launch is going to happen very very soon.

As a reward for those who have been supporting EGEM by running T1 quarrynodes and T2 quarrynodes, they will be performing an airdrop!

A snapshot will be taken of the T1 and T2 quarrynodes and rewards will be better for those who have been running the nodes for longer. It appears the snapshot for the airdrop will be occurring very soon, perhaps sometime over the next few days, so it might be worth checking to see how you can join at!

If you want to find more information about Sapphire, best to check and look at the sfrx-chat channel. There is also

EGEM an exciting community driven project based on Ethereum network. Find out more at or
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January 16, 2021, 04:16:54 PM

Good Morning Citizens of EGEM!

I am extremely excited to be able to participate in the SFRX airdrop. I currently have 6 T1 nodes and always accumulating to get more. EGEM has an active community which I love to participate in. Really looking forward to the updates as we are getting close!!
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January 23, 2021, 02:16:56 PM

Good morning Citizens of EGEM,

Another weeks goes by and the excitement of EGEM lives on. Mercatox has accepted the offer to list EGEM on its exchange. The community was able to come together to achieve this which is something not many communities are able to do. This just shows the dedication and excitement around this project. The discord is very much alive and kicking. The Devs are extremely helpful as always and are passionate about the project. Looking forward to the future and to see the 5 second Cryptotangled btc transactions!
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January 23, 2021, 06:29:18 PM

Indeed it has been exciting to see the community pull together to have get Mercatox accept the offer to list EGEM Smiley.

While there may be more kinks to iron out with Sapphire DEX, it is good to see the devs still working on it to get it working properly. Good to see all the testing being done to ensure Sapphire works properly. Can't wait to be doing 5 second cryptangled BTC and ETH transactions via Sapphire!

You can check things at and

Good morning Citizens of EGEM,

Another weeks goes by and the excitement of EGEM lives on. Mercatox has accepted the offer to list EGEM on its exchange. The community was able to come together to achieve this which is something not many communities are able to do. This just shows the dedication and excitement around this project. The discord is very much alive and kicking. The Devs are extremely helpful as always and are passionate about the project. Looking forward to the future and to see the 5 second Cryptotangled btc transactions!

EGEM an exciting community driven project based on Ethereum network. Find out more at or
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January 30, 2021, 04:33:03 PM

Good Morning Citizens of EGEM,

Another week goes by and the excitement around WGEM continues. I continue to get questions from crypto investors about EGEM is it is very exciting. Mercatox listing is on the way and we will continue to drive the communication around the project. The discord Devs continue to put out useful information and we all enjoy it.

Really looking forward to the future!
Jr. Member
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February 04, 2021, 05:33:26 PM

Hopefully the Mercatox listing does come soon, the EGEM team has been contacting Mercatox about it.

With regards to the development of Sapphire/DEX, it looks like the team is still undergoing testing to find possible issues to ensure that it will work smoothly before release. Which is great to see because it'd be better to have a product that is working properly from the very beginning. It's really informative to see all the progress and detail released by the devs about Sapphire on the EGEM discord Smiley.

EGEM an exciting community driven project based on Ethereum network. Find out more at or
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February 06, 2021, 11:49:35 AM

Good Morning Citizens of EGEM,

Here to provide your weekly update (haha) directly from our top Dev.
"hey guys, it may not appear I have made progress on sapphire but I have. We have safes propogating to other nodes just fine but there is one case when I submit multiple safes to the head node (automatic everything goes to head node) in between a block that the other nodes dont get the right hash when they pull those two or more safes from the head node (or any node that feeds them) - other than this all cases appear to be working
this is just debug stuff and I have the scenario trapped so I can replicate it
lets hope I am able to figure it out today or early this week
so it works fine if I just carefully only submit one safe in between blocks BTW
therefore I know its in my loop logic on the receipt
anyway - thing is this is actually amazing if you think about it
as long as I only create ONE safe in between blocks I can cross chain swap correctly on every node
and I know the specific case to debug
means it is easy to replicate and fix
means we are getting really close and cant wait to get something that limps out of the gate and we can refine."

Overall it is an exciting time and alt-season seems to be here. EGEM has been looking as strong as ever. Come find us at the discord. Link available above.

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February 13, 2021, 03:09:49 PM

Good morning citizens of EGEM.
Everyone needs to check out this ulta low MC gem 💎💎

What other projects have 5 second BTC cross chain swaps?

"we're getting a lot closer - today was a great day of testing and notice I said "day" and not like "session". we started up miners this morning and let them run for hours at a stretch same chain all the time and it was always in sync."
-From our wonderful Devs
Jr. Member
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February 14, 2021, 07:23:14 PM

Good morning citizens of EGEM.
Everyone needs to check out this ulta low MC gem 💎💎

What other projects have 5 second BTC cross chain swaps?

"we're getting a lot closer - today was a great day of testing and notice I said "day" and not like "session". we started up miners this morning and let them run for hours at a stretch same chain all the time and it was always in sync."
-From our wonderful Devs

That's great to hear that the testing is going well for #EGEM #SFRX. Although all this testing is taking more time, it's better that #SFRX is working properly before it is released Smiley.

EGEM an exciting community driven project based on Ethereum network. Find out more at or
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February 27, 2021, 07:43:36 PM

Things are progressing for Sapphire chain - looking at Discord there has been further testing of the chain and it has been running well so far with a few issues found here and there. All this progress looks promising and hopefully things will be ready eventually.

Find more at

EGEM an exciting community driven project based on Ethereum network. Find out more at or
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March 10, 2021, 07:53:31 PM
Last edit: May 10, 2021, 09:56:48 PM by FreeHamster

The team are still testing the Sapphire subchain and it seems that testing is going smoothly so far. Can't wait to see when things are finally released.

EGEM an exciting community driven project based on Ethereum network. Find out more at or
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March 21, 2021, 10:00:49 PM

The EGEM team are still at it and still testing out the Sapphire subchain and it appears they have made more progress. While progress may be slow, things look to be going well Smiley. The Letshodl contract appears to be running smoothly too

EGEM an exciting community driven project based on Ethereum network. Find out more at or
Jr. Member
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April 02, 2021, 11:54:26 PM

EGEM has now moved onto Era 3 as of block 7,500,000. Block rewards have halved to 1 egem per block but node rewards remain at 0.5 egem per block. Great to see the blockchain move onto the next Era successfully Smiley.

EGEM an exciting community driven project based on Ethereum network. Find out more at or
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April 10, 2021, 09:01:01 PM

EGEM has now moved onto Era 3 as of block 7,500,000. Block rewards have halved to 1 egem per block but node rewards remain at 0.5 egem per block. Great to see the blockchain move onto the next Era successfully Smiley.
Sorry I need to correct myself, it turns out that the Node rewards were also supposed to halve too to 0.25 egem per block. Sorry about the wrong information.
Progress still continues for EGEM and Sapphire Smiley

EGEM an exciting community driven project based on Ethereum network. Find out more at or
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April 18, 2021, 10:02:34 PM

The price action for EGEM has been fantastic over the last few weeks. Things really do seem to heating up for EGEM with all this progress with SFRX DEX too.

EGEM an exciting community driven project based on Ethereum network. Find out more at or
Jr. Member
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April 30, 2021, 07:39:14 PM

It looks like the price for EGEM has been pretty good over the several weeks, even with the dips in BTC in recent weeks (though now BTC has bounced back). It's good to see Smiley.

EGEM an exciting community driven project based on Ethereum network. Find out more at or
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