I repeat once with me one account, I do not deal with the purchase of accounts, that you are ranked Legendary for me. That's just not everyone has the time and the desire to pump an account for earning a bounty company.
So you are admitting to "pump" aka "Farm" the account for the sole purpose of earning bounties?
There would not be a HYIP of bounty-related companies, there would be no problems with buying and selling accounts.The fact that I was put a negative trust problem does not solve cardinally, close all the company's bounties, stop and purchase sales accounts.
You have been accused and you are found guilty as charged . It maybe true that because of all shiposter bounties accounts are sold but that is irrelevant here. If you are caught you will be marked accordingly.
The Pharmacist I hope you understand me.
He does, which is why he left you some red paint.