“Human beings have extraordinary sensory potential. So it stands to reason that the most powerful sensor network is the crowd.” - Claude P. Sheer, Co-founder Vizsafe
Recent innovations including social media and blockchain technology offer the means to crowdsource actionable information about ongoing situations in real time, incentivizing and
rewarding contributors for their participation (rewards, meaning the concept of airline miles or Starbucks Visa rewards)
Vizsafe’s offers a completed and active in-market mobile solution that has already been deployed across its customer base and that is actively used to source realtime information within the context of sporting and entertainment events and venues. It has now integrated a blockchain layer into this app, using the Ethereum platform’s smart contracts to reward those who contribute safety reports and enable event hosts to access this valuable information. All transactions within the Vizsafe ecosystem use the SPOT token, reducing friction and further aligning economic incentives between report providers, event hosts and Token Sale supporters.
Learn more here
https://www.vizsafe.com/blockchain and let's hear your thoughts!