(edit: Bitdazzle is having a promotion where if you refer someone with your ref link you get 25$ credit.. You can use this ccredit to buy things from my store! Bitdazzle.com)
Hey bitcointalk! First off I'd like to say awesome website. Second I'd like to introduce my new and exciting webstore!
I currently run the webstore on ditdazzle "Hipsters Paradise"
https://bitdazzle.com/store/31561 "A Online webstore where hipsters and cool kids get all their fashion and accessory needs. Yes, nerds allowed too. Bitcoin only!"
I'm proud to also Say that we are a featured store on bitdazzle
Based in Canada, but ship international! We have a special where shipping is just a flat rate everywhere!
Stop by, maybie buy a few things. Let me know what you think! I'm adding New products every week or so, so we will always have new stock!
Thanks for your time
-Gabriel jensson
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