LTC is awesome just like BTC. At the end it's about making money regular people dont give a shit technically. A friend of mine is going buy tons of LTC he doesnt care about the slight techinal things, he think its legit enough and worth investing and sees it from a different perspective than the techy kids who think they represent the crypto elite with their silly predictions
LTC has value cuz people think it does. Same with BTC.
Litecoin Devs are putting out some crazy stuff lately, helping development of Bitcoin as well. I have a lot of confidence in Altcoins. It has not even started yet for cryptos.
Most of the LTC haters do not even know what the LTC dev team is doing. They are happy at just calling it the same as BTC when it is clearly not. LTC might get better than BTC but I still think it will never be the main coin (unless BTC breaks)
BTC will not break, but check out the LTC price in $ when BTC was 120+ $, and check it now. How much LTC decreasd in $ a little. PPL dont see a poent
BTC broke before many times, and so far has been fixed every time. Will get get fixed next time? I sure hope so but if not for me, I have a back up...
Some people buy LTC for speculation, it is a good tool to use to get "money" out of BTC and into something else other than dollars. You can see that when BTC goes up, LTC now goes down. This trend happened after we jumped from 5 cents to $6.
most of the arguments used against LTC and the same ones normal people use to attack BTC. Sad as it is both crypto :/
Will coinbase, mt gox and others start using LTC? Maybe? Will the LTC devs keep working on LTC and making it better? Sure.
Honestly I am glad I have both and if one of them dies I will be looking for a new back up no matter what. I guess it is just my nature.