
Activity: 378
Merit: 25
March 29, 2018, 03:01:06 PM |
You should do otherwise, do not sell, but buy more bitcoin today , now is the best time to buy bitcoinor any coins like eth. You are just one of the people who panicked and thinking to bail out rather than holding your bitcoin. But the deciscion reamins in your own hands. If you think you needed to sell, do it, but the chance of getting back what you have lost duringthis price drop, if the price will hike over the next week, you are to be blamed
March 29, 2018, 03:03:32 PM |
Hi guys me want suggestions
me planning to sell all my btc and wana buy etherium ETH as btc is down 6.23 % in 24 hr and eth is down 10.68 % so me thinking best time to buy eth as it will grow
what says guys ?
Don't sell it . in my opinion it's like a wheel sometimes it's in the top sometimes it's in downside , it's normal . just be patience and it will get high sooner or later . The bitcoin will rise and rise and rise again . trust bitcoin. just wait.
March 29, 2018, 03:07:10 PM |
Hi guys me want suggestions
me planning to sell all my btc and wana buy etherium ETH as btc is down 6.23 % in 24 hr and eth is down 10.68 % so me thinking best time to buy eth as it will grow
what says guys ?
For me , don't sell it but good thing to do . take the risk buy and buy like investing then when the bitcoin goes up , sell it . then you will know that it's all about taking the risk . don't panic it's normal.
Activity: 98
Merit: 0
March 29, 2018, 03:07:26 PM |
Hi guys me want suggestions
me planning to sell all my btc and wana buy etherium ETH as btc is down 6.23 % in 24 hr and eth is down 10.68 % so me thinking best time to buy eth as it will grow
what says guys ?
I won't sell my bitcoins. I think bitcoin is the most stable and valuable cryptocurrency. It is not a wise choice to sell the bitcoin. I think ETH will continue to fall. But it's your decision. I can't change it. I can only respect your choice.
March 29, 2018, 03:10:50 PM |
It seems like you've entered panic mode so I'd recommend you to sell. If you can't handle these kind of swings in the price then you're not ready to be in crypto market. And the fact that you're planning to sell your BTC at such low prices to buy ETH (which is currently at 0.05!) thinking that ETH will go up makes me think that you have no idea what you're doing in this market. Sell your coins and come back once you have a clear idea of what your strategy/goal will be.
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Activity: 266
Merit: 32
March 29, 2018, 03:15:55 PM |
800?  How do you figure that? In 2013 - 2014, Bitcoin crashed from $1000 to $200
Activity: 146
Merit: 0
March 29, 2018, 03:19:32 PM |
do not sell btc now ,, you will regret, you better hold first. btc will go back up and make people happy, do not think eth will be more profitable for you, because eth is still below bitcoin price, btc down 6.23% in 24 hours and eth down 10.68% this estimate is only temporary will not forever
March 29, 2018, 03:27:46 PM |
If you do not sell, you did not lose. BTC is cheap right now. Buy all that you can and hold for it to go back up. Come back in a year and thank me. 
Activity: 2492
Merit: 1360
Don't let others control your BTC -> self custody
March 29, 2018, 04:14:42 PM |
Sell now and buy at $800 if you want. All those nosedives/crash pictures on news websites say bad things for Bitcoin.
Look at other safest investments also
$800 for BTC? You'll be waiting for a long time. How did you even come up with this number? This is the most likely outcome, I have to say the most bearish traders are expecting the lows at $5k, so by saying $800 you're just looking like a fool out of touch with reality. me planning to sell all my btc and wana buy etherium ETH as btc is down 6.23 % in 24 hr and eth is down 10.68 % so me thinking best time to buy eth as it will grow
How can it be "too low" when it's above the bottom, which is at 6k USD? Also, ETH depends on BTC. Don't think that if BTC keeps falling ETH will somehow ignore that.

Activity: 126
Merit: 10
March 29, 2018, 04:19:43 PM |
Diversification is always wise IMO.
Don't sell all your BTC, and don't just buy all ETH.
Consider also to look into other quality altcoins with prospect for growth (which has potential to give a higher %gain due to their current low MCAP) too, after proper research that is.
Jr. Member
Activity: 192
Merit: 1
March 29, 2018, 04:24:26 PM |
if you don't trust the market of bitcoin go ahead sell your bitcoin and go for ethereum its also nice. altcoin, as I can see, are more potential for holding rather than bitcoin.
▐| EOS Exchange |▌ The Exchange for the EOS Community! ICO: 15th October - 20th November
March 29, 2018, 04:32:18 PM |
Keep calm. Should at least wait for the next ath before you sell your BTC for ETH. Then wait for the price to plummet down and buy back again. What you're trying to do is panic selling and you're more than likely to lose money - which is what you were trying to avoid in the first place.
Sr. Member
Activity: 728
Merit: 250
Buy, sell and store real cryptocurrencies
March 29, 2018, 04:32:42 PM |
I will rather keep my BTC. But if you see a good investment opportunity, I suggest you to sell some of your BTC for the investment instead of selling all.
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Activity: 66
Merit: 0
March 29, 2018, 04:34:12 PM |
It just the same, nothing would give you more income. If I suggest that you sold them and then wait for several days then when the market are quite low buy both.
Full Member
Activity: 882
Merit: 126
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
March 29, 2018, 04:34:30 PM |
Hi guys me want suggestions
me planning to sell all my btc and wana buy etherium ETH as btc is down 6.23 % in 24 hr and eth is down 10.68 % so me thinking best time to buy eth as it will grow
what says guys ?
no don't sell your btc then buy ethereum and bch because btc is already trusted here that still continue to grow anytime so don't think anything like wait until it go high ethereum and bch are low now so that's good for investing Buy atleast little by little every week or month like the affordable for you Never ever swap your bitcoin into something,if you have fiat then invest on it ethereum now because the price is cheaper.But investing on bitcoincash is not a good idea in my job so invest on bitcoin,ethereum and other potential coins as well.
Activity: 151
Merit: 0
March 29, 2018, 04:37:51 PM |
That is quite sad to know. You are having a struggle on what you want to do because btc and eth are now crashing. That is a pretty hard decision to make since it is hard to know what would be the best course of action.
Hope your decision will work out.
Full Member
Activity: 372
Merit: 100
The Organic Growth Token
March 29, 2018, 04:39:15 PM |
Hi guys me want suggestions
me planning to sell all my btc and wana buy etherium ETH as btc is down 6.23 % in 24 hr and eth is down 10.68 % so me thinking best time to buy eth as it will grow
what says guys ?
That is really sad to hear. But if you will continue, your potent profit will be lost. If I would be ask, holding will still be a good idea to do. Keep in mind that it will eventually increase since dumps are not permanent. But at the end of the day, that is still your money and you are the only one who will manage it so for those who do believe with Bitcoin, be patient and wait.

Activity: 180
Merit: 10
March 29, 2018, 04:46:46 PM |
Hi guys me want suggestions
me planning to sell all my btc and wana buy etherium ETH as btc is down 6.23 % in 24 hr and eth is down 10.68 % so me thinking best time to buy eth as it will grow
what says guys ?
no don't sell your btc then buy ethereum and bch because btc is already trusted here that still continue to grow anytime so don't think anything like wait until it go high ethereum and bch are low now so that's good for investing Buy atleast little by little every week or month like the affordable for you Good advice indeed. You can not predict what is going in the coin market tomorrow. Therefore, you can not assure that you will be able to purchase ETH at a lower price. Bitcoin has better market exposure than ETH. As a result, BTC has more potential than ETH for price rise.
March 29, 2018, 04:51:29 PM |
if you don't trust the market of bitcoin go ahead sell your bitcoin and go for ethereum its also nice. altcoin, as I can see, are more potential for holding rather than bitcoin.
Since he can wait for the bitcoin may increase, a person has always a choice to earned money. I can say their is other altcoin that is profitable. Might as well he can do more research which is the best investment these days.
Pain Packer
March 29, 2018, 04:55:12 PM |
I think you should buy more. Take advantage of the dip. Or if you're really wanna sell it, then I suggest to buy ETH for it has a huge future for recovering quickly thus giving you a good profit in return.