I'm working on a Public-key-only BIP32 script to track purchases on my website rather than having users sign messages to verify themselves as the purchaser, and I spent yesterday getting the code together for it. The primary extended public key (m) code is now fully functional, but deriving children is running into issues. I've been testing with TestVector 02 (xpub661MyMwAqRbcFW31YEwpkMuc5THy2PSt5bDMsktWQcFF8syAmRUapSCGu8ED9W6oDMSgv6Zz8id
oc4a6mr8BDzTJY47LJhkJ8UB7WEGuduB), and have successfully generated this data with the key:
Version: 488b21e
Depth: 00000000
Parent Fingerprint: 00000000
Child Index: 00000000
Chain Code: 60499f801b896d83179a4374aeb7822aaeaceaa0db1f85ee3e904c4defbd9689
Key: 03cbcaa9c98c877a26977d00825c956a238e8dddfbd322cce4f74b0b5bd6ace4a7
Key Hash: bd16bee53961a47d6ad888e29545434a89bdfe95
Key Str: 1JEoxevbLLG8cVqeoGKQiAwoWbNYSUyYjg
When I begin derivation of m/0, however, I get this far and then things end up wrong:
Version: 488b21e
Depth: 00000001
Parent Fingerprint: bd16bee5
Child Index: 00000000
Chain Code: f0909affaa7ee7abe5dd4e100598d4dc53cd709d5a5c2cac40e7412f232f7c9c
Key: 02d83bc1ba1544900181dc0a68f70c7f35de329935252d6a8a69609f18613e57e2
Key Hash: 05bde101bb72a69c8cfe19e0700f66542b706d49
Key Str: 1XMqymHzMur3pkEXr29pr8ghZbJkNWPw4
Of course, m/0 should be 19EuDJdgfRkwCmRzbzVBHZWQG9QNWhftbZ, not 1XMqymHzMur3pkEXr29pr8ghZbJkNWPw4. In comparing with
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0032_TestVectors, I can verify that the Chain Code matches, so up to the SHA512 hash must be working correctly, however, the X/Y coordinates are completely wrong, resulting in the wrong key. The actual values for the left-side-of-I and the X/Y coordinates I'm ending up with are:
iL: 60e3739cc2c3950b7c4d7f32cc503e13b996d0f7a45623d0a914e1efa7f811e0
X: d83bc1ba1544900181dc0a68f70c7f35de329935252d6a8a69609f18613e57e2
Y: 24f0d3bc9e646d0951df799e7e0691ac6a8ab228a62e2e76ff93c57886b4abfc
Since the chances of my iL being wrong are virtually impossible because the Chain Code is right, my best guess is my point math must be off. The code I'm using is:
$k = Point::add(Point::mul($il, $secp256k1_G), $this->ECpub);
where $il is a big-integer version of iL above, $secp256k1_G is the G Point, and $this->ECpub is the parent key's Point (decompression of Key's Bytes of course).
Here's the function in its entirety:
public function derive_child($i)
if (USE_EXT == 'GMP')
$secp256k1_G = new Point($secp256k1,
$secp256k1 = new CurveFp('115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663', '0', '7');
$secp256k1_G = new Point($secp256k1,
$data = self::pubKeyEnc($this->ECpub) . pack('N', $i);
$hash = hash_hmac('sha512', $data, $this->chain_code, true);
$il = BigInt::bin2big(substr($hash, 0, 32));
$ir = substr($hash, 32, 32);
$k = Point::add(Point::mul($il, $secp256k1_G), $this->ECpub);
$ret = new BIP32(null, $coin);
$ret->coin = $this->coin;
$ret->chain_code = $ir;
$ret->ECpub = $k;
$ret->child_index = $i;
$ret->parent_fingerprint = substr($this->ECpubKeyHash, 0, 4);
$ret->version = $this->version;
$ret->depth = $this->depth + 1;
$pubBinStr = self::pubKeyEnc($ret->ECpub);
$ret->ECpubKeyHash = self::encKeyHash($pubBinStr);
return $ret;
Points, CurveFPs, and all that good elliptical shit are handled via a stripped down version of Matyas Danter's phpecc, so I'm pretty sure the actual mathematics I'm calling are good there, but the outcome for $k is always ending up as d83bc1ba1544900181dc0a68f70c7f35de329935252d6a8a69609f18613e57e2 rather than fc9e5af0ac8d9b3cecfe2a888e2117ba3d089d8585886c9c826b6b22a98d12ea, and I can't figure out for the life of me why.
For reference, the point I'm getting when multiplying iL and g is x=b661389998a7d5f191064dd13de77d6ecdc180660cd035c39e4242e4b2421b04, y=e4b7d21882264392ba68ab5a91fa6a7eb7794273e6887cbbcc367f0fc1a711be. I have no idea if this is correct or not, but I know that once I add the parent's public curve, it ends up being completely wrong.
So, please, if anyone could have a working implementation spit out the points for iL * g, the parent key, and k, I'd like to know where I'm going wrong.My own results, in decimal, are as follows:
m's ECpub: 92177583198369651078012650237376329809196622616143640907636115035502672667815, -56007618903221299795442838537477169399092506140195394231153621809959624157777
il * G: 82492713246181758252564353521594198071070516838199040858840666892200560433924, 103452112517317065707525904845368455724160088879315742877692289659877619863998
k: 97805156324642238343967192827814613794937570537923054831382185035481516759010, 16708767198174203366132415676330364127973636681074638317164427780658514144252
The negative y on the parent's ECpub sorta makes me anxious, but the key output is right for "m", so it must be correct, yes?