maybe it has, because market is unpredictable at the moment because there is a lot of fud news
I don't think that there is enough FUD to explain what is happening to the price.
What I do see is the price going up and down over quite a short range, between about $6500 and $7500. That's enough variation for people to make money by buying in the $6000s and selling in the $7000s. The buying in the $6000s sends the price up, and the selling in the $7000s sends it back down again.
That's fine for those playing the market now, provided they don't get caught if the price decides to go down to the $5000s and stick there.
But, it's not good for those who bought in over $10,000 or so, as those who are playing the market now will sell long before $10,000, preventing the price from going back there.
Hence: for the OP's question, I think that anything is possible, but the longer the market stays lower, the more I believe it will get stuck lower as $7500 becomes a 'high' price, meaning that recent purchasers will cash out profits.