1. EVERYONE, please start submitting your weekly report links of facebook and twitter campaign in the google forms for Week 17, 18, 19 and 20.
We will close the links for these weeks on 15-September, (we provide you 1 week for submission of your links to the google forms)
2. We have made a new google spreadsheet for bounty participants who joined from week 17 to onward. So please, those who have participated after AUGUST 5th, you all have to do TWO things. First, register yourself in the registration google form for the campaign you took part in, second is that you will always refer to the new google spreadsheet and not the old spreadsheet.
P.S. Everybody who participated before August 5th will refer to the old spreadsheet and yes for sure, we will be keeping UP TO DATE both of the spreadsheets.
Thank You.
Forms Updated guys. we have much to update
So old bounty p[articipants before week 17 DO NOT NEED to re register. right?