Heres a site for you guys... visit sponsored sites for a couple minutes at a time each, and receive a small amount of BTC. Once you earn enough to reach a 0.000055 BTC (thats 55 uBTC) balance on your account, it is automatically added to a payment queue and sent out to your address. No strings attached. Also, excellent and popular affiliate program for extra earnings!
Are you serious? 0.000026 BTC a day? That's less than penny! I can't imagine why anyone would spend time on your site every day for $0.0078.
Might be small, but adds up over time (that number changes almost every day by the way, can be 3 or 4 times more easily). Its meant for just getting some to play around with, not be usable for anything substantial. Also apparantly 20,000 people + per month think its worth the time
Yeah, it adds up alright ... to $2.85 per year!
I don't mean to put down your site. I guess I'm just more surprised than anything else.