DOGE UP is an experiment that rewards its participants for helping us trade cryptocurrencies successfully.
No investment is required. Our users simply vote on whether they think the price of a crypto pair will go up and down, and we tell them when we plan on opening and closing the trade.
If the trade is successful, i.e. profitable, a portion of the proceeds are removed from the portfolio and used to purchase DOGE, which are then rewarded to the users that voted correctly.
Users who voted correctly also receive all their votes back, as well as a bonus so they have more influence over the next decision. If the trade is not taken, votes are refunded to the corresponding users.
To join the closed beta, go to and enter a valid email. We'll email you an invite code shortly afterwards. Be sure to check your spam folder. We are doing it this way at first to prevent people from creating multiple accounts and gaming the voting system.
I'm not expecting this project to be profitable, which is why I'm calling it an experiment. It's certainly not a service or a product. It will discontinue as soon as I run out of funding for the portfolio.
Any sort of criticism and feedback is welcomed. this telegram group to give feedback: