A Newbie asked on another thread if there was a chart showing the amount of time between posts. I thought I'd give it a pass, but then came to believe it could be an interesting question, looking at it from the posts created per Rank/person’s perspective. That is perhaps a bit more ilustrating than time between posts.
I thought it would be quick to answer. Unfortunately it isn't, but since I was on it to answer the Newbie in a sense, I thought I'd see it through.
The overall forum data cannot be accessed, but I do have data from a couple of previous analysis, which allow me to get picture from two distinct subsets of users (therefore, conclusions are limited to those subsets):
1. Users created after Merit System kickoff
Results are based on following the posting activity of users that were created during the first two weeks after Merit System Kick-off, having made at least 1 post.
Column AvgPostsPerDay is calculated based on total posts of the user, divided by number of days since user was created (up until day of dataset extraction).
A 0 represents an average of between 0 and 1 posts per day, a 1 an average between 1 and 2, and so on.
Contrary to what many of us think, Newbies are not posting every single day like mad. There are many with just 1 or 2 posts since they joined and that's it. That why the average posts per day with them (0,24) or without them (1,25) is very different. Bots may play a role in this somehow.
2. Users that are involved in a Smerit Transaction (awarder or awarded)Same calculation criteria here, but with a different set of users (some don't favour the term “user”, but if we call them “members” well end up getting confused due to rank names – or something worse).
Users here are those that either sent or received sMerit up until the 23/03/2018 (dataset is not the most recent, but I already had it from previous rank based analysis and it's quite hell to update it all just for this right now).
With this set of users, average goes up to 1,38 posts per day, but remember this is biased, as it only involves merited/meriter users.
Note: I decided not to paste the data table here as it is too long and graph shows all the data.