We're working on a new coin at the moment and have our servers up and running. Whilst we're paying for them and they're not in use for anything else, we thought we'd put a 0% fee mining pool up that the community can use if they so wish.
As we're not really a pool owner, we just added Lux to the pool because it's a pretty profitable coin to mine. We have no intention of adding others as support of this would pull our developers away from their work on DRIP coin.
Feel free to use the pool via the following stratum:
ccminer -a phi -o stratum+tcp://dripcoin.tech:8333 -u [your_lux_address] -p c=LUX -R 5 -r 5
You can view your mining stats at
Lux is a coin the person that suggested an interim pool whilst DRIP development continues was mining anyway. The pool will remain live until DRIP coins official announcement during the first weekend of May.
Bear in mind that payouts will be large, but infrequent, if you choose to mine here. The downside is that you'll not be paid every couple of hours - but the upside is that you'll not be paying the payment fees and pool fees 12-24 times per day.