I had no problem depositing BTCs to my account, it usually takes a few hours/6 confirmations for bitcoins to show in your account. Their AML/KYC procedures are quite strict, you can't start trading until you get verified. Take a look at their FAQ
https://www.itbit.com/faq/topic/?linkid=/api/v2/topics/590260Account Opening Procedures
Cross-checking names of users against relevant compliance databases such as OFAC SDN list, other governmental watch lists and third party service providers such as Lexus Nexus and Veratad
Require users to provide proof of identification (e.g., government issued ID, complex challenge questions (relying on private, rather than publicly-available, databases of information), TIN and/or SSN)
Require users to provide proof of registered address (P.O Box addresses are not allowed)
No trading without complete account-opening information