What is BMXBMX is an ERC20 based token issued by BitMart with total volume of 1,000,000,000.
Benefit of BMXDiscount on Trading FeeWhen users conduct transactions on BitMart, they will get a discount on the trading fee if they have BMX, no matter what tokens they trade. The detailed discount will be disclosed soon.
Repurchase MechanismThe BitMart team will take out 20% of the trading fees on the platform periodically to repurchase BMX.
The repurchased BMX will be destroyed completely and repurchase records will be released immediately.
The repurchase mechanism will continue to work until 500 million BMX are destroyed.
Buy BMXwww.bitmart.comDeposit and Withdraw Guidehttps://support.bitmart.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002541914-BitMart-Deposit-and-Withdrawal-Guide