Hi there,
i am new to this forum and would like to introduce myself.
Yesterday at mtgox strange things happened again - prices went up to over 1 million/btc and then crashed to a fraction of a dollar-cent.
I do not believe it has been the last time, that we experience such things and by now i do not even believe, that there was a real hack at mtgox.
At bitcoincharts.com i watched this huge buy order of >2million btc - guess how all the bots will go crazy, if someone puts such an order.
mtgox explained, that there have been erroneous trades and something on their testing-site caused these trades.
Sorry but i can't believe this - it is the third time, that i watched such weird things going on at mtgox. So what is the real reason for this? Hacking?
Or could it be, that in fact there is no free market making the price, but mtgox themselves are making the price and their bots are going wild from time to time?
I know that any answer would not convince me entirely of what really is going on at mtgox, but for sure nobody can convince me, that prices are not manipulated - mtgox needs to provide further proof and in fact only an independent investigation could provide this.
What do you think? Please don't get me wrong, i am still enthused about bitcoin and i would not like to see prices crashing.