Pues como mi ingles no es muy bueno, vamos que es malisimo y me han dado un toque para que le diera mi opinion al respecto he pensado que habiendo gente mejor preparada que yo para valorar si lo que se expone en el articulo es cierto o no pues lo he querido colgar para que entre todos saquemos una conclusion acertada.
http://hackingdistributed.com/2013/11/04/bitcoin-is-broken/El meollo de la cuestión es que debe de haber unos mineros que consiguen una mayor recompensa con un poder de calculo igual o algo así.
Ahi va un pedazo del articulo.
The Implications
Cash for gold.
The selfish mining strategy has significant implications for the Bitcoin system:
The members of a selfish mining pool will earn more revenue than honest participants: This means that rational, self-interested miners, who typically invest significant amounts of money in their rigs, will want to join selfish miners instead of follow the honest strategy.
Once launched and successful, selfish mining pools will grow in size: There are no mechanisms in place to exert any kind of pressure to break up a selfish mining pool.
Selfish mining is harmful to the Bitcoin community: Selfish miners bring down revenues for everyone. The fact that a selfish mining attack can be launched, and a selfish pool can grow in size until it controls the currency, is a deterrant to people, like the Winklevii, who are drawn to the decentralized nature of Bitcoin.
This attack is practical right now with any size mining pool: Anyone can launch this attack successfully right now, and make revenues in excess of what they would otherwise make.
Under the best theoretical conditions, Bitcoin requires at least 2/3rds of the miners to be honest: It was previously believed that the Bitcoin ecosystem was safe as long as a majority were honest. Our analysis shows that this is wrong. If a selfish-mining pool were to command 1/3rd (33%) of mining power, it'll always be in a position to make excess revenues over honest miners.
We propose a practical fix that will protect against selfish mining as long as pools command below 25% of the mining power: The fix is simple to apply. It would be a good idea for the Bitcoin community to adopt it.
There are mining pools in existence that can conceivably launch successful selfish mining attacks: At the moment, any mining pool can launch a successful mining attack. With our proposed fix, only pools above 25% can launch the attack, but there exists a pool of this size right now. And there have even been pools that commanded more than 33% of the mining power in the past.
Animo a alguna voz autorizada en el foro, lease Luiscar, majamalu, polvos, aTg, etc...... a dar su opinión aunque por supuesto todos estáis invitados a participar.