1. low time period refers to 16th 00:00:01 to 17th 23:59:59 and the lowest price at gox in that period.
2. Only one entry per person and no edits to your post except within the forum defined 10 minutes
3. In the case of two identical predictions the first posted will be accepted.
4. Predictions after 17th 06:00:00 are invalid.
5. All times are gmt.
6. Predictions to have 4 decimal places
7. In the case of two predictions one higher, one lower but equidistant from the low the lower will be the winner.
8. There's a good chance I've missed some flaw in this. If that is the case I'm going to make a judgement call and apologise in advance.
9. No matter what someone will be sent 0.1 btc on monday.
Post your guess then on the next line your bitcoin address. You can chat in this thread but to enter the comp you need a post with nothing but you guess followed by your address.
oh hai i have a few questions but i guess around 500 and my address is 1L3k39JdMufhbeX1fxGf5oiN72ieoZM6Gj plus do you know where i can get litecoin.
Have fun.