Thanks all, for having a look and leaving feedback. Glad you're interested, sorry this response is not more timely. The Rhubarb blockchain project is all about decentralizing law, addressing the 80% of civil cases that fall through the cracks because of the high cost of accessing justice. (That stat is for the USA, but the problem exists throughout the developed and undeveloped world.) Our first blockchain project, "Poll Verdicts," aims to remove the cost barrier with the aid of RHUCoin, giving disputing parties a no-cost/low-cost tool to guide party-to-party negotiation and even aid formal court processes. This short animated video explains the idea:'s more on the background and scope of the project at, where you can also read the
white paper for deeper insight.
The airdrop offers a chance to see a poll in action—in this case addressing an issue that concerns and impacts the largest social media audience in the world. Results will be sent to Zuck himself, legislators, and regulators, to show what Facebook users are thinking. We're awarding five RHU just for participating and casting a vote. There's no better way to sense the potential of this new tool.
Thanks, please give it a try and let us know your thoughts about it.