April 22, 2018, 08:22:50 PM |
By today it's known 1st ICO got 850$ with average 0,37$ per 1 GRAM; 2st ICO got 850$ with average 1,33$ per 1 GRAM;
As a result here are currently 0,85*10^9/0,37 + 0,85*10^9/1,33 = 2936395041 GRAMs sold?
Price of Nth gram -> Pn = 0,1*(1+10^-9)^n. It was planned to sell 44% -> 2,2*10^9th GRAM cost is 0,9$. So reported price correlate with ~ 2,93*10^9th GRAM cost. But it means 58,72% (2936395041/5000000000*100%) sold already?