I have a question:
Many times I exported the private keys to a USB and the key file has a long string beginning with a "U". There is a different sting of numbers and letters each time I do this. I understand this is not the normal way private keys appear. Is this because a password was used?
In order to save the private keys in their normal format, do you need to export the key without a password?
Thanks in advance for any replies.
Yes if you like to see clear original private keys for your addresses and transfer it to another client you have to export it without password.Password of the wallet DON'T change the private key the password of private key encrypted them.
Format of private keys is like this
# Anyone who can read this file can spend your bitcoin.
# Format:
# <Base58 encoded private key>[<whitespace>[<key createdAt>]]
# The Base58 encoded private keys are the same format as
# produced by the Satoshi client/ sipa dumpprivkey utility.
# Key createdAt is in UTC format as specified by ISO 8601
# e.g: 2011-12-31T16:42:00Z . The century, 'T' and 'Z' are mandatory
cUqosVfbMYBnM7TiTnajm8cVZDyVjcjr7EnDxS7ViMSvv2iDRA4s 2013-11-16T23:29:36Z
92QkKZBMVEc6UHNcp4FzppyKHmKWHLtbZth9PVtekdBNTx6eyq5 2013-11-17T15:49:32Z
cNN3jwuCgzNNRdh7pszeTWjKPycY5vkRJoMQFLLYJYQtdTnt292U 2013-11-17T21:56:04Z
# End of private keys
You have to copy only key one by one no date and time