What's Adara.io? A regulated hybrid securities and digital assets exchange, built for community driven algorithmic trading.
Adara will fuel the transition of the financial ecosystem from its current centrally controlled structure into the new decentralized digital asset economy ecosystem with a hybrid exchange host to all types of digital assets.
We want to make it easy for Adara’s users to not only buy and sell digital assets, but to leverage our community to implement multiple types of trading strategies, algorithmic trading tools and other features such as follow trading. At our core, our community will create the Library that provides the necessary innovative tools for metadata analysis, correlation research, and technical analysis. Users will be able to access these community creations using our sleek, modern UI, built from the ground up with user accessibility in mind. Both professional traders and new entrants will find a home on the Adara platform.
Adara has the most advanced security protocols for the use of the tokens. The financial blockchain technology environment on the platform is featured as a high-yield investment for use with different investment products.
The crypto exchange portion of the ecosystem will be ready in July 2018. It’s being released as the first piece of the pie in the Adara.io Financial system.
It is used to combine the reliable aspects that come with older tools and is mixed with the convenient operations of the virtual property.
One more important difference is the Zero-fee trading.
Adara takes advantage do not include trading and exchange commissions.
The crypto trading platform is used for investing in cryptocurrency assets. Adara Crypto Exchange is one of a small amount of legal crypto exchange, which has already been developed with the Swiss and UAE license.
What's included Adara Ecosystem?
Legal framework:
- Security & Utility token listings
- Fiat Pairs & Withdrawal
Technical infrastructure:
- Engine
- Security
- Decentralization
- Desktop App & Mobile App
- Cross exchange
Trading platform:
- Investment tools fueled with AI
- Social Platform
- Content Generation Platform
- Library
Community governance:
- Exchange/Token
- User Rating System
Community gamification:
- Rating+Ranks/Experience Tree
The Project Includes:
AAA token
Follow Trading
High-Speed Trading
Assets Managment System
Artificial Intelligent TradingThe AAA Token Details:The functioning of the Adara Platform is fueled by Adara’s utility token: AAA
- AAA will be freely convertible into other digital assets.
- The number of AAA tokens is capped at 1 Billion (
Rewards for Adara promotional campaigns (bounties).
- Voting rights on select community initiatives (users vote for token listings)
- Rewards for Adara Content Creators.
A portion of the issued AAA will be held in reserve to provide additional liquidity and protection, if our platform needs additional token liquidity then Adara will release these reserved tokens to market makers and for margin trading according to trading volumes of each user.
Security is one of the fundamental foundations of the Adara. The cryptocurrency based on new NEM protocol Catapult Mijin v.2. Which guaranty new level of protection.
To build up the leading exchange ecosystem, Adara collaborates with the team of experts in the development of sites and applications on Ruby on Rails, design and technical experiences. We have experience in all coming environments, such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Trading Platform, Mobile applications, and Support service.
By keeping everything in order, Adara’s ecosystem is able to offer altcoins with cryptocurrencies and other pieces of liquid property that work as the underlying assets for venture funds, startup tech, and other investments. And it’s because of their legal standpoint and tech abilities that the platform able to grow in a real-world setting.
The investment is structured to create beneficial effects on the Adara platform. AAA is based on algorithms and Artificial Intelligence, designed to improve profits. The AI investing algorithm is used to keep the specific investments of users at the best levels of returns.
Now, Adara.io is running private sale with the minimum entry $200 000. Therefore, the ICO hasn’t been released on the platform yet.
Moreover, we are ready to launch The Exchange and run Bounty & AirDrop program for crypto innovators.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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