Aproximately two weeks ago i loaned 1001 coins to
www.Nodeshare.in, because after i bought a couple of dozens MN from them for XUEZ - even though XUEZ wasnt officially supported yet, they asked me if i could lend them the coins so that they may be able to set up a Masternode themselves, and offer up the XUEZ Masternoding Service in an official manner, through their Website.
I agreed, and sent them 1001 coins.
You would all say now I am
BSC™ (Bat-Shit-Crazy), sending coins aways with the possibility being very high, that i may never see them again.
Well, not only did they returned the coins, a couple of days later, they returned them with what their Masternode "in testing" earned.
And today i am proud to announce here, that they officially Extended Support for XUEZ, as a coin for which they offer their Masternode Setting Up Service.
I have bought 60 Nodes from them, and they are all working without any Problems.
If you are one of those People that doesnt want to mess up with the tech stuff, to host their own Masternodes, and want a quick fix, their Service is for you.
Here are the links:
https://www.nodeshare.in/product/xuez-masternode-hosting/There is a Discount the more Masternodes you order.
And here is their Tutorial they were able to create because i sent them those Coinz, where you see what you must do on your end.
https://www.nodeshare.in/xuez-masternode-setup/All you Need to do is send them the address of the collateral (1000 XUEZ), and they send you the Masternode.conf file.
We should probably add this info to the Main Post on Page 1.