Robin8 PUT Review the past few months we’ve released the profile management system, we’ve continued to refine it and most recently we held a Hackathon in Kiev, Ukraine to jumpstart the building of applications on PMES. We will be releasing an article that details the reasons we did a Hackathon, the 8 projects that were built that day and shed some light on the winners of the competition.
This was the first of many we will be doing worldwide. These types of events are fueled by our goal to develop a community of developers that implement. PMES in their applications. As more developers join, the ecosystem will grow and our token can be used in all of the applications where PMES is implemented.
Our vision has always remained the same which is giving back control of the profile to users. PMES allows users to monetize profile data on the Blockchain.
Thank you for all of your support thus far, Robin8 has a bright future ahead, our Blockchain development team has built and is continuing to improve PMES and are engaging with the developer community to implement our technology.
Robin8 is poised to become the primary profile data management system provider in the technology industry.