I quickly looked for her twitter account's main page. It says "happily married". Translation: "OK people? Back off I am taken already!" Grin
Was thinking the same thing. Never seen this before in a Twitter description. There must be a lost of Bitcoin guys hiting on her.
I was wondering why no one mentioned Zerocoin or Coinjoin. Which would be a huge deal for all government agencies. Don't they know about that or what is the deal here?
What about Zerocoin or Coinjoin?
Doesn't help at all for several reasons. For one thing, you are only as anonymous as the others who use it with you, because once they reveal their identities, then you can be isolated. The probability of you being found increases over time, as more and more downstream trail on the public ledger reveals more and more identities.
BitCON just can't be made anonymous. The only way is to build in the anonymity into the protocol of the coin.
The Senate Committee conversation today definitely was interesting this seems almost like a moot topic as the government itself is still working on Guidelines
How can they enforce blacklists?
Now you know why I am working on a more anonymous altcoin.
We will need an escape hatch very soon.
Will they whitelist? Which means if they don't know your identity they block you. But where is the block placed? At the exchanges I presume where they have AML and KYC authority?
Perhaps they declare it is illegal to receive coins which are not whitelisted. So then anonymous coins won't be accepted by anyone who is not anonymous.
Anonymity is an all or nothing unless some countries will resist USA edicts.
We are heading into cyberwarfare. You must go anonymous or be harvested by the "confiscate all wealth" coming when the global economy implodes.
You will have no choice but to go anonymous, or you lose nearly everything. This is what most people don't realize yet.
The law isn't going to help you. Again read my thread:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=323988.msg3626642#msg3626642https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=323988.msg3627932#msg3627932The elite have a definitive plan to confiscate everything.
One of the plans floated by Larry Summers and Paul Krugman is to force everyone into electronic currency, then deduct from your account automatically by forcing negative interest rates. They say this is the only way to keep funding socialism forever.
You all don't understand. We are really headed into a global nightmare of unfathomable wickedness.
They don't plan to end this. This is forever in their mind. Which means we will go into war and wickedness.