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Author Topic: bitcoind.exe + (easyphp) or (Server2Go) or (xampp)  (Read 966 times)
hamburger (OP)
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August 02, 2011, 09:09:52 PM


Is there anyone who can give me step by step instructions on how to set up bitcoind.exe on an xp machine and spesifically how to use the bitcoin.conf file.

While is helpful, I do not fully comprehend the information due to the language barrier.

When this is done, I would then like to access bitcoin using php running on either easyphp or Server2Go or xampp to verify send and received transaction and everything else that would be nice to know.

You are welcome to send me a pm.

Thank you,


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August 02, 2011, 09:18:14 PM


Is there anyone who can give me step by step instructions on how to set up bitcoind.exe on an xp machine and spesifically how to use the bitcoin.conf file.

While is helpful, I do not fully comprehend the information due to the language barrier.

When this is done, I would then like to access bitcoin using php running on either easyphp or Server2Go or xampp to verify send and received transaction and everything else that would be nice to know.

You are welcome to send me a pm.

Thank you,


Put bitcoind in a directory. Open up command prompt and navigate to the directory. Then type in 'bitcoind.exe -server'. Done.

Now you need to setup the bitcoin.conf to accept json api commands.


#fill in this if connections aren't coming from localhost, this will make bitcoind listen to commands sent from that address

I have no idea what easyphp or server2go is. They look like pre-configured lamp stacks to me. Now, download the json-rpc library and you can send a command to bitcoind like this:

$bitcoin = new jsonRPCClient('http://asdf:asdf@');

//Same as bitcoind.exe getinfo
echo $bitcoin->getinfo();

hamburger (OP)
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August 03, 2011, 08:11:32 AM


Great, sometimes less info on a page mean a lot more!

The only thing I had to change was


instead of

echo $bitcoin->getinfo();

echo just returned a json array.

Thank you,


Datacoin : DHZ6H91fsDoBHbdqED3ysCJJ2TUh3zRMZD
Krugercoin : Yz3A9sTMp2yh5QLuAL8YQyvS5PdjHRHkkf
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