Recently GBX and some other coin listed on the exchange will not allow withdrawal because even though receive address is generated, when the withdrawal is requested, they will not list the wallet address in (from) field and will not allow you to use the wallet address. That is so fucked up and lame response from cryptopia and support asshole simply says "can not generate address for GBX and possibly others."
Today I tried from popular coins like ETH, BTC and they will not allow to use the existing address for these coins either!! WTF that means your fund is locked because "from" address can not filled when withdraw! So beware!
I bought a good amount of Bitcore at the beginning of February, withdrawal stuck on "Processing" for 45 days. Missed 6 aidrop days: 6%+6%+6%+6%+7%+7%. After missing these airdrops they let me withdrew the coins.
I will never use them again.