Hello can I ask you what does this mean?
iExec RLC iExec RLC (RLC)
1.56 USD (2.95%)
0.00016669 BTC (-2.50%)
0.00222689 ETH (-6.45%)
As you can see, the price of Iexec, is +2.95% if compared to $ (dollar)
But compared to bitcoin is -2.50%
Compared to Eth is -6,45%
What does this mean?
1) RLC is doing better than Btc and Eth
2) RLC is doing a bad performance, if compared to bitcoin and ethereum
3) Bitcoin and ethereum are rising more than RLC
What that percentages do they mean?
The only correct thing ethereum and bitcoin were doing better than RLC. RLC looks lost on its bitcoin and ethereum value that means there is an increase to the both of the major coins that gives a lot of impact to the price of RLC into the various pair. I guess the number 3 is the correct answer about that.