ICO is closed, but they promised to return money to investors. I've emailed them several times, but got no respond.
Any body knows how to get money back? Or how to contact them?
Here is my review on icotricks.com
01.08.2018 at 02:35
Due to the technical difficulties our team is unable to start Advanced Miners project.
All investments will be returned to the investors during one-month period.
To receive money back, please send letter that included:
1. Please send transaction information – (exact amount in crypto-currency) and date of transaction.
2. Indicate your email address that is registred at Advanced Miners site.
3. Please Full name. Please include ID and Utility Bill for verefication.
Please send email here:
customes@advancedminers.ioI googled since their website looks dead and found out that the project is cancelled.
They have all investors email, and they don’t let us know?
Their website is plain white, I accidently selected with my mouse and saw that there is a text written.
But White text on a white background. That is just bad!
I was checking my MEW today and found an incomming transaction August 7 of 0.995ETH (I invested 1eth) 0xa1cf6e141c349f723df66c8950acdf6d1238c52f6985795e75fa8cf9cb117f65
I was lucky enough to be in their 1 month I think.
Did you got a refund?