We are working on the final steps of our crypto coins heart: building a user friendly website that offers the normal non competing natural bodybuilding and fitness athletes a platform, where they can compete with one another in contests, winning a possible first, second or third reward in bpc coins.
Other than the IFBB, or the other bodybuilding federations, we wanted to do something with crypto and bodybuilding for the masses, and came up with Best Physique Coin, a platform where people can meet, join in contests, vote for people and even go to the exchanges where we are listed.
It took us some serious thinking of how to integrate everything with one another, but we are confident that the result will be an innovative way to allow people with a passion for this sport to reach out and possibly generate some charity donations.
We give you a glimpse of our roadmap so far and hope you will follow our project going forwards.
Coin specifics:
BPC Algo: Scrypt;
Type: PoW/PoS;
Coin name: BestPhysique;
Coin abbreviation: BPC;
Address letter: B;
PC port: 32500
P2P port: 32499
Block reward: 22 coins;
Max coin supply: 10266667 coins;
Premine percent: 10%;
Premine amount: 1026667 coins;
PoS percentage: 100% per year;
Last PoW block: block 10000;
Coinbase maturity: 4 blocks;
Target spacing: 64 seconds;
Target timespan: 1 block;
Transaction confirmations: 4 blocks.